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Time for New BEginnINgs + LASt of the Year

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It's the end of a year

This is a time for reflection
and celebration.

As you look back on this past YEAR
and DEcade...

everything that YOU have experienced in your life,

Remember each for the good that has come of it
all the knowledge you gained.
(even thru all Your SCREW-ups!)

Remember the efforts you have made

the goals you have reached.
(and those out of reach)

Remember the love you have shared

The happiness you brought.

laughter, joy, hard work, and tears.

And as you reflect on the past year,
and the past DEcade

BE THINKing of the new

This is a time of new BEginnINgs!

As we close out this DECADE

and set UP a New....

Tonight at 9:27 pm EST

Diane will BE DOing her

annual year end DeCade call!

come hear what SHe

disCOVERED at the END

of the 90's deCade

That set her UP for the one

we now end.

This call is for ANYONE who has a dream but who has strUGGled.

All are welcome...


9:27 pm est

641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#

See ya their!

I've got the HAts!

IncITe A MOVEment

Amateurs Vs. Artists..... Do YOU KNow The Difference???

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MP3 from MONDAYS Joe Schroeder conference

DANG.... It WAS good!

Joe talks about the defining differences between Amateurs Vs. Artists.

Artists seek blood, the amateur runs from it.

pretty serious stuff

enjoy!   sMiles



a.k.a.  'SalGoogle'

2007 Interview ,,,,,,,

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This morning I was privileged to receive an MP3 (Thank-You Diane Hochman!)

of a classic interview with Mike Litman and one of my personal teachers Joe Schroeder.

This interview REVEALS the secret behind Joe's success.

My GIFT To You! sMiles

WE are called the Million MInd March

To Learn more about the MARCH

Grab OUR new PDF (no charge!)

How To Incite a Movement


YOU can meet Joe on our Free Public Calls

Every Monday Night

9;27 pm EST

PIN 600088#

What Matters Now: get the free ebook

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Seth Godin launched another wonderful ebook today called  “What Matters Now”

He is GIVING it out freely...

Here are a few exerpts from it I think you will enjoy:

 "If you make a difference, people will gravitate
to you. They want to engage, to interact and to
get you more involved."

"This year, you’ll certainly find that the more
you give the more you get."

"When times are tough, vision is the first casualty.
Before conditions can improve, it is the first thing
we must recover."

Read it! It’s good.

Get It Here

Your Welcome!


Julie Salgado

I KNOW Joe & Diane Have LOST Their Minds!

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Here is the call that everyone is looking for!

Grab the PDF here

Deadline is December 1st MIDNITE EST