I am Julie Salgado and you are not
Starlink Nation
Dear Sap,
Yes you!
"Sap" is someone who is close to being a moron.
Sap is someone without the spine to cut a good deal
A SAP is someone who buys CARS new and lets
them depreciate in value by $10,000 within 20 yards of
driving off the dealership car-lot.
But don't be too peaved. I AM a SAP as well.
At times anyway. Who isn't?
Takes one to know one
Why just last week
My 12 year old daughter, who thinks
Like a 28 year old and looks sixteen, who has her Daddy wrapped
right around her finger, made me buy her a new SIDE KICK
phone ----even after I made her swear that she wasn't allowed to
"work" me for at least a year because THREE months ago
she talked me into a new lap-top.
Poor me.
What a sap I can be
E-Mail: julie@juliesalgado.com
HERE is a Sam Walton technique YOU can use Julie Salgado.
It will stop you from being a SAP any longer on the internet
WAL-MART is my home away from home.
I am rich.
You're not. Lesson up Poindexter.
You'd be classified as "rich" to if you
** Earned $3,000 to $5,000 per day X's 365
** You knew what I knew
** You had a list of 72,000
** You only slept 6 Hrs a day and worked 18
Leanr this TECHNIQUE
Sam Walton created "Wal-Mart" and most
over achievers don't know this, but ole Uncle Sam
made money UPON Purchase.
I said, he made money UPON PURCHASE
Walton bought his merchandise for so LOW
That, just like TOYS-r-US
He made $$ upon purchase
It's called don't be the sap
It's called NEVER pay retail
It's called never JOIN a program on-line for the asking price
It's called
Well shit.
Here's an example
Sample Script
The next time some out-cast is about to sell
you her $4,000 program
use this script it will make you $$
WOULD YOU WAKE UP and LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The next time Sally so and so is trying to
make you her Mark and sell you some $4,000 program
maybe it's a $2,000 program
say this
"I am doing you a favor, you prolly have NOT sold
anything in a while and if you want my TRADE Sally
I will expect you to SHAVE off $1,000 and give me the
$4,000 program for $3,000."
I want to work with Julie Salgado
That's called CUTTING a deal
That's called NOT being a SAP
Julie Salgado + Joe Schroeder = MONEY
That's called big boy super-man Joe Schroeder style
New York City style bargaining
Call it TONY SOPRANO style Marketing
Rule #1: You are the OWNER, not the cat selling you
Rule #2: It is you dearest who is dealing the cards
Possession is 9/10th of the law
YOU have the money SALLY wants
Translation, pay UNDER the asking price
GURU big money Rule # 3: Never pay retail
Get this.
YOU are doing THEM a favor by even considering JOINING
YOU have the power
And you wanna know what Buckwheat?
I never
Pay FULL retail for my ad-space
Magazine ads
Display ads
Classified ads
I ain't some sorry ass chump
I am [the] illest of the crop and I play WAL-MART
You will and darn-it-all wake up!!!!
NEVER pay through the nose again
NEVER Get Punked Again
Never be someone's chump rag again
Go grab a tattoo gun
Tattoo this on your fat brain of genius wad of MIND
Write this on your forehead
YOU HOLD the cards
Especially freakeen (A) in a recession no less
Some sidewinder from the BRONX called Julie Salgado two
days ago
They called me
He says
"Hey Ms. Woman, I want your entire package."
The mark knows my entire program is $4,016
And he shuffles he words together and pipes
"Will you shave off a GRAND $500 and
gimme the entire enchilada ball-o-wax for $3,500."
What do you suppose I said ?
OF COURSE I did the $3,500
HE saved $500 clams
The next time some tired as internet phoney baloney
tries to hustle you "in" for full-retail
Tell'em "No way Jose I ain't no ones fool."
Make money UPON purchase
You have just experienced Julie Salgado
And so are you
You just gots to learn how the GAME is played
PS: Money is a game you play with yourself
It's all a head trip.
Between you
Yourself and I am
Thought you'd appreciate this lesson
I am THE SUN of God
I am THE List Horse
I AM, the Good news merchant and DAUGHTER
Of a capitalist!
All Love
I love Joe Schroeder
God is love
Right back at you
Call me later
(cell) 1-510-0086
My $97 program CASH FLOW MACHINE
It's $97 + $20 is $117
Call me with your WAL-MART routine
Lets do bidness
But only if you know how to earn UPON purchase
We will role play
Have your CC card in hand
And I'll let you win.
Strength and Honor
Ms. Woman
Julie Salgado
Attraction Studio and Media Arts
Office 1-262-510-0086
New PDF's:
Royal SocietyThe Vault
PS: I used to sociopath headline for one reason
87% of all subscribers actually OPEN my e-maikls
why? Because I know how to GET MAIL Open
Double Post-Script: If you can't get your mark
to OPEN the e-mail YOU DUNN GET PAID
Whether I am "sociopath" has not yet been decided.
But I can tell you one thing.
I am no ones fool