Mobile post sent by juliesalgado using Utterz. Replies. mp3
To Execute That Actually Separate You From Earning $2000 - $5000 PER WEEK
If YOU Didn't Earn $20,000 Last
Month Here's Seven (7) Reasons Why Not
Reason #1 - Because 10,000 - 25,000 people PER DAY don't see your ads!
Reason #2 - Because your initial front-end price is too expensive.
Reason #3 - Because you are not leveraged to earn $1000 PER SALE.
Reason #4 - Because you don't know how (or where) to create or place ads.
Reason #5 - Because your ads don't induce cognitive dissonance.
Reason #6 - Because you don't have a 'LIST' (auto-responder) of 2,000 yet.
Reason #7 - Because you SOLD your MLM before you earned $$ off the prospect.
Julie Salgado
Cash Flow Recruiting PDF
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