It's the end of a year
This is a time for reflection
and celebration.
As you look back on this past YEAR
and DEcade...
everything that YOU have experienced in your life,
Remember each for the good that has come of it
all the knowledge you gained.
(even thru all Your SCREW-ups!)
Remember the efforts you have made
the goals you have reached.
(and those out of reach)
Remember the love you have shared
The happiness you brought.
laughter, joy, hard work, and tears.
And as you reflect on the past year,
and the past DEcade
BE THINKing of the new
This is a time of new BEginnINgs!
As we close out this DECADE
and set UP a New....
Tonight at 9:27 pm EST
Diane will BE DOing her
annual year end DeCade call!
come hear what SHe
disCOVERED at the END
of the 90's deCade
That set her UP for the one
we now end.
This call is for ANYONE who has a dream but who has strUGGled.
All are welcome...
9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
See ya their!
I've got the HAts!
IncITe A MOVEment